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Kompaktes Design schafft Flexibilität, Erweiterbarkeit und einfache Wartung in Industrieanwendungen.

  • Auf Grundlage von Intel® Atom® und Intel Core® i3, i5, i7-Industrieprozessoren der 11. Generation.
  • Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2021 LTSC oder ohne Betriebssystem
  • Offenes Betriebssystem ermöglicht die Nutzung individueller Software und Hardware
  • Giga Ethernet-Ports für getrennten Zugriff auf Ihre IT- und OT-Systeme.
  • Optimierter Formfaktor: 1- oder 2-Schichtgehäuse ohne Lüfter.
  • 12,1-, 15,4- und 18,5-Zoll-Industriemonitor
  • DisplayPort
  • Zusätzliche Video- und/oder RS-232-Ports optional.
  • Mit optionalen PCI-Steckplätzen erweiterbar.
  • Modelle mit NY-Monitor-Link-Schnittstelle mit bis zu 100 m Übertragungsreichweite zwischen IPC und Monitor

Spezifikationen & Bestellinfo

Produkt Screen diagonal Processor family Processor specification Cooling method Memory Storage Operating system Expansion slot Modular port Video output Material housing Display ratio Number of pixels, vertical Number of pixels, horizontal Beschreibung
Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i3-1115GRE, 8 GB RAM (non ECC), No exp. slots, No OS, No Storage, No I/F option, 12.1" (1280x800) capacitive touchscreen, build-in type
Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i3-1115GRE, 8 GB RAM (non ECC), No exp. slots, No OS, No Storage, No I/F option, 15.4" (1280x800) capacitive touchscreen, build-in type
Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i3-1115GRE, 8 GB RAM (non ECC), No exp. slots, No OS, No Storage, No I/F option, 15.4" (1280x800) capacitive touchscreen, build-in type, Ni plating
Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i3-1115GRE, 8 GB RAM (non ECC), No exp. slots, No OS, No Storage, No I/F option, 18.5" (1920x1080) capacitive touchscreen, build-in type
Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i3-1115GRE, 8 GB RAM (non ECC), No exp. slots, No OS, No Storage, No I/F option, 18.5" (1920x1080) capacitive touchscreen, build-in type, Ni plating
Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i3-1115GRE, 8 GB RAM (non ECC), No exp. slots, No OS, No Storage, RS-232C, 12.1" (1280x800) capacitive touchscreen, build-in type
Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i3-1115GRE, 8 GB RAM (non ECC), No exp. slots, WIN 10 IoT 2021 (64-bit), 128 GB CFast 3DTLC, No I/F option, 12.1" (1280x800) capacitive touchscreen, build-in type
Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i3-1115GRE, 8 GB RAM (non ECC), No exp. slots, WIN 10 IoT 2021 (64-bit), 128 GB CFast 3DTLC, No I/F option, 15.4" (1280x800) capacitive touchscreen, build-in type
Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i3-1115GRE, 8 GB RAM (non ECC), No exp. slots, WIN 10 IoT 2021 (64-bit), 128 GB CFast 3DTLC, No I/F option, 15.4" (1280x800) capacitive touchscreen, build-in type, Ni plating
Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i3-1115GRE, 8 GB RAM (non ECC), No exp. slots, WIN 10 IoT 2021 (64-bit), 128 GB CFast 3DTLC, No I/F option, 18.5" (1920x1080) capacitive touchscreen, build-in type
Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i3-1115GRE, 8 GB RAM (non ECC), No exp. slots, WIN 10 IoT 2021 (64-bit), 128 GB CFast 3DTLC, No I/F option, 18.5" (1920x1080) capacitive touchscreen, build-in type, Ni plating
Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i3-1115GRE, 8 GB RAM (non ECC), No exp. slots, WIN 10 IoT 2021 (64-bit), 128 GB CFast 3DTLC, RS-232C, 12.1" (1280x800) capacitive touchscreen, build-in type
Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i3-1115GRE, 8 GB RAM (non ECC), No exp. slots, WIN 10 IoT 2021 (64-bit), 256 GB CFast 3DTLC, No I/F option, 12.1" (1280x800) capacitive touchscreen, build-in type
Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i3-1115GRE, 8 GB RAM (non ECC), No exp. slots, WIN 10 IoT 2021 (64-bit), 256 GB CFast 3DTLC, No I/F option, 15.4" (1280x800) capacitive touchscreen, build-in type
Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i3-1115GRE, 8 GB RAM (non ECC), No exp. slots, WIN 10 IoT 2021 (64-bit), 256 GB CFast 3DTLC, No I/F option, 15.4" (1280x800) capacitive touchscreen, build-in type, Ni plating
Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i3-1115GRE, 8 GB RAM (non ECC), No exp. slots, WIN 10 IoT 2021 (64-bit), 256 GB CFast 3DTLC, No I/F option, 18.5" (1920x1080) capacitive touchscreen, build-in type
Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i3-1115GRE, 8 GB RAM (non ECC), No exp. slots, WIN 10 IoT 2021 (64-bit), 256 GB CFast 3DTLC, No I/F option, 18.5" (1920x1080) capacitive touchscreen, build-in type, Ni plating
Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i3-1115GRE, 8 GB RAM (non ECC), No exp. slots, WIN 10 IoT 2021 (64-bit), 256 GB CFast 3DTLC, RS-232C, 12.1" (1280x800) capacitive touchscreen, build-in type
Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i3-1115GRE, 8 GB RAM (non ECC), No exp. slots, WIN 10 IoT 2021 (64-bit), 512 GB CFast 3DTLC, No I/F option, 12.1" (1280x800) capacitive touchscreen, build-in type
Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i3-1115GRE, 8 GB RAM (non ECC), No exp. slots, WIN 10 IoT 2021 (64-bit), 512 GB CFast 3DTLC, No I/F option, 15.4" (1280x800) capacitive touchscreen, build-in type