Entwickelt für die Zukunft der Automatisierung
- Konzipiert für einen sicheren und harmonischen Arbeitsplatz zwischen Mensch und Maschine.
- 31 Sicherheitsfunktionen, alle zertifiziert gemäß ISO 13849-1, Kat. 3, PLd.
- Vollständige Konformität mit ISO 10218-1.
- Benutzerfreundliche grafische Programmierumgebung für schnellen Start und Betrieb.
- Die integrierte Vision-basierte Robotersteuerung ermöglicht visuelle Servo-, Inspektions- und Messvorgänge.
- Optionale Kamera und Orientierungspunkt ermöglichen einen wirklich flexiblen, schnellen Wechsel.
- Die Integration mit mobilen Robotern ermöglicht vollständig autonome Maschinenbestückungs- und Logistikanwendungen.
- Feldbus-Modelle inklusive Ethernet/IP und Profinet.
Meet our collaborative robot
For over 85 years, Omron has helped perfect the art of machines that help humans. Now, we introduce the machines specifically built to work with people - meet the Omron TM Collaborative Robot Series!Der kollaborative Roboter
Verpackung 4.0: Cobot-Projekt von Kraus Maschinenbau und OMRON automatisiert Booklet-Zuführung
TM12-Cobot beschleunigt Abläufe in Medtech- und Verpackungsindustrie
Schnelleres Set-up dank integrierter Bildverarbeitung
Meet our collaborative robot
For over 85 years, Omron has helped perfect the art of machines that help humans. Now, we introduce the machines specifically built to work with people - meet the Omron TM Collaborative Robot Series!
Schnelle Start-ups und Produktwechsel
Sicherheit bei kollaborativen Anwendungen
Cobot Safety Expertenartikel
Cobots für die flexible Produktion - Zukunftssicherung?
In Deutschland wird im kommenden Jahrzehnt ein schwerwiegender Arbeitskräftemangel erwartet, insbesondere bei technischen Fachkräften. Gleichzeitig verkürzen sich die Produktlebenszyklen. Vor allem für kleinere und mittelständische Unternehmen ist jedoch die Hürde hoch, in zusätzliche Automatisierung zu investieren. Kooperierende und einfach einzurichtende Roboter (Cobots) bieten dann eine schnelle und kostengünstige Lösung, um die Flexibilität, Qualität sowie Geschwindigkeit der Produktion zu steigern und auf sich ändernde Marktanforderungen zu reagieren. Die Cobots der TM-Serie von Omron liefern dafür ein gutes Beispiel.
- Reichweite (mm): 900
- Maximale Nutzlast (kg): 5
- Höchstgeschwindigkeit (m/s): 1,4
- Reichweite (mm): 700
- Maximale Nutzlast (kg): 7
- Höchstgeschwindigkeit (m/s): 1,1
- Reichweite (mm): 1300
- Maximale Nutzlast (kg): 12
- Höchstgeschwindigkeit (m/s): 1,3
- Reichweite (mm): 1100
- Maximale Nutzlast (kg): 14
- Höchstgeschwindigkeit (m/s): 1,1
TM 5 – 700
- Reichweite (mm): 700
- Maximale Nutzlast (kg): 6
- Höchstgeschwindigkeit (m/s): 1,1
TM 5 – 900
- Reichweite (mm): 900
- Maximale Nutzlast (kg): 4
- Höchstgeschwindigkeit (m/s): 1,4
- Reichweite (mm): 1.300
- Maximale Nutzlast (kg): 12
- Höchstgeschwindigkeit (m/s): 1,3
- Reichweite (mm): 1.100
- Maximale Nutzlast (kg): 14
- Höchstgeschwindigkeit (m/s): 1,1
- Reichweite (mm): 900
- Maximale Nutzlast (kg): 16
- Höchstgeschwindigkeit (m/s): 1,1
- Reichweite (mm): 1.300
- Maximale Nutzlast (kg): 20
- Höchstgeschwindigkeit (m/s): 1,3
Spezifikationen & Bestellinfo
Produkt | Hardware version | Payload | Reach | PROFINET communication | EtherNet/IP communication | Vision | Power supply type | SEMI S2 certified | Food grade grease | SIL according to IEC 61508 | Performance level according to EN ISO 13849-1 | Cable length | Beschreibung | |
3.2 | 6 kg | 700 mm | No | No | Yes | AC | No | No | 2 | Level d | 3 m | Bundle, Cobot, TM5-700, HW3.2 |
3.2 | 6 kg | 700 mm | No | No | Yes | AC | No | No | 2 | Level d | 12 m | Bundle, Cobot, TM5-700, 12 m cable, HW3.2 |
3.2 | 6 kg | 700 mm | Yes | Yes | Yes | AC | No | No | 2 | Level d | 3 m | Bundle, Cobot, TM5-700, HW3.2, PROFINET & EtherNet/IP |
3.2 | 6 kg | 700 mm | Yes | Yes | Yes | AC | No | No | 2 | Level d | 12 m | Bundle, Cobot, TM5-700, 12 m cable, HW3.2, PROFINET & EtherNet/IP |
3.2 | 6 kg | 700 mm | No | No | Yes | AC | No | Yes | 2 | Level d | 3 m | Bundle, Cobot, TM5-700, HW3.2, Food Grade Grease |
3.2 | 6 kg | 700 mm | Yes | Yes | Yes | AC | No | Yes | 2 | Level d | 3 m | Bundle, Cobot, TM5-700, HW3.2, PROFINET & EtherNet/IP, Food Grade Grease |
3.2 | 4 kg | 900 mm | No | No | Yes | AC | No | No | 2 | Level d | 3 m | Bundle, Cobot, TM5-900, HW3.2 |
3.2 | 4 kg | 900 mm | No | No | Yes | AC | No | No | 2 | Level d | 12 m | Bundle, Cobot, TM5-900, 12 m cable, HW3.2 |
3.2 | 4 kg | 900 mm | Yes | Yes | Yes | AC | No | No | 2 | Level d | 3 m | Bundle, Cobot, TM5-900, HW3.2, PROFINET & EtherNet/IP |
3.2 | 4 kg | 900 mm | Yes | Yes | Yes | AC | No | No | 2 | Level d | 12 m | Bundle, Cobot, TM5-900, 12 m cable, HW3.2, PROFINET & EtherNet/IP |
3.2 | 4 kg | 900 mm | No | No | Yes | AC | No | Yes | 2 | Level d | 3 m | Bundle, Cobot, TM5-900, HW3.2, Food Grade Grease |
3.2 | 4 kg | 900 mm | Yes | Yes | Yes | AC | No | Yes | 2 | Level d | 3 m | Bundle, Cobot, TM5-900, HW3.2, PROFINET & EtherNet/IP, Food Grade Grease |
3.2 | 6 kg | 700 mm | No | No | No | AC | No | No | 2 | Level d | 3 m | Bundle, Cobot, TM5X-700 (model without camera), HW3.2 |
3.2 | 6 kg | 700 mm | No | No | No | AC | No | No | 2 | Level d | 12 m | Bundle, Cobot, TM5X-700 (model without camera), 12 m cable, HW3.2 |
3.2 | 6 kg | 700 mm | Yes | Yes | No | AC | No | No | 2 | Level d | 3 m | Bundle, Cobot, TM5X-700 (model without camera), HW3.2, PROFINET & EtherNet/IP |
3.2 | 6 kg | 700 mm | Yes | Yes | No | AC | No | No | 2 | Level d | 12 m | Bundle, Cobot, TM5X-700 (model without camera), 12 m cable, HW3.2, PROFINET & EtherNet/IP |
3.2 | 6 kg | 700 mm | No | No | No | AC | No | Yes | 2 | Level d | 3 m | Bundle, Cobot, TM5X-700 (model without camera), HW3.2, Food Grade Grease |
3.2 | 6 kg | 700 mm | Yes | Yes | No | AC | No | Yes | 2 | Level d | 3 m | Bundle, Cobot, TM5X-700 (model without camera), HW3.2, PROFINET & EtherNet/IP, Food Grade Grease |
3.2 | 4 kg | 900 mm | No | No | No | AC | No | No | 2 | Level d | 3 m | Bundle, Cobot, TM5X-900 (model without camera), HW3.2 |
3.2 | 4 kg | 900 mm | No | No | No | AC | No | No | 2 | Level d | 12 m | Bundle, Cobot, TM5X-900 (model without camera), 12 m cable, HW3.2 |
Wir haben nahezu unbegrenzte Kombinationsmöglichkeiten, um allen Produktionsanforderungen gerecht zu werden.
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Es liegen zur Zeit technische Probleme vor. Ihre Übertragung war nicht erfolgreich. Entschuldigen Sie dies bitte und versuchen es später noch einmal. Details
Cobots verschaffen Getriebehersteller einen Wettbewerbsvorteil
Der dänische Getriebehersteller Fischer Gears hat die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit seines Produktionsprozesses – besonders bei größeren Serien – durch die Installation von zwei Omron TM-Robotern gesteigert. Die kollaborativen Roboter (Cobots) ermöglichen es erfahrenen Mitarbeitern, sich auf wertschöpfendere Aufgaben zu konzentrieren.
Innovative Cobot-Anwendung verbessert die Sicherheit bei Leica Geosystems
Kollaborativer Roboter automatisiert die Handhabung von Trays und verbessert Sicherheit und Ergonomie in einem gefährlichen Arbeitsbereich.
Kollaborative Roboter steigern die Produktivität bei CLECA
Automatisierung des Palettierungsprozesses mit OMRON TM12-Cobots
Palettierungslösung von Reitec für unsere FMCG-Kunden
OMRON und Reitec entwickeln gemeinsam den neuen Cobot-Palettierer RC-1
Beweglicher Cobot-Palettierer von Reeco Automation
60 % weniger Stellfläche und bis zu 50 % weniger Kosten im Vergleich zu herkömmlichen Palettierrobotern
Rückverfolgbarkeit 4.0 durch optimierte Verpackungsetikettierung mit Cobots
Kollaborativer Roboter führt intelligente Etikettierung bei verschiedenen Produktformaten im Rahmen einer Lösung aus, die von Bluengineering für die Gruppo Romani in Italien entwickelt wurde. Durch Formatänderungen bedingte Ausfallzeiten werden hierbei um bis zu 70 % reduziert.
Cisel setzt für Rückverfolgbarkeit, Sicherheit und Qualität bei Leiterplattentests auf einen Cobot
Cisel ist ein italienisches Unternehmen, das auf die Entwicklung und Produktion flexibler Leiterplatten für die Automobil-, Bau- und Produktionsbranche spezialisiert ist. Das Unternehmen hat sich kürzlich für den Kauf eines kollaborativen TM5-Roboters (Cobot) von OMRON entschieden. Mit dieser Anschaffung will das Unternehmen die elektrische Prüfung der Leiterplatten für das Servolenksystem eines führenden Automobilherstellers automatisieren.
Cobot gewährleistet präzise Montage der Magnete in Ablassschrauben von LITMAT
Kollaborative Roboter (Cobots) werden zunehmend häufiger in verschiedenen Branchen und für zahlreiche Anwendungen eingesetzt. Sie können die Effizienz und Produktivität des Produktionszyklus deutlich verbessern. Ein Unternehmen, das von diesen Vorteilen profitiert, ist LITMAT S.p.A.
Unika trifft richtungsweisende Entscheidung für neues Qualitätsniveau
OMRON TM-Cobots mit integriertem Bildverarbeitungssystem eliminieren Fehler, die aus Unaufmerksamkeit resultieren, und erhöhen so die Produktionseffizienz
Mobile Manipulatorlösungen von Omron
Die einzigartige Konzeptlösung aus Cobot und mobilem Roboter-Hybrid von OMRON
OMRON Sysmac SPS-Software auf „FB“-Basis
Omron Collaborative can draw!
Omron Collaborative Robot can be used for a variety of purposes and numerous applications especially machine tending, loading and unloading, assembling, gluing, testing, and soldering! On this video you can see just one of them, drawing Omron’s logo with a pen on the blackboard! Just amazing Omron Collaborative Robots can do.
Omron Collaborative can draw!
Omron Collaborative Robot can be used for a variety of purposes and numerous applications especially machine tending, loading and unloading, assembling, gluing, testing, and soldering! On this video you can see just one of them, drawing Omron’s logo with a pen on the blackboard! Just amazing Omron Collaborative Robots can do.-
Omron Collaborative Robots Tutorial 1 - Unboxing and Initial Set Up
Meet the Omron Collaborative Robot Series to assist your automation needs. In this video we will show you how to unbox the Cobot and do the initial set up. There are several Cobot in the TM Series depending on your needs. Here we will be using the TM5 – 700 models to explain the common features.
Omron Collaborative Robots Tutorial 1 - Unboxing and Initial Set Up
Meet the Omron Collaborative Robot Series to assist your automation needs. In this video we will show you how to unbox the Cobot and do the initial set up. There are several Cobot in the TM Series depending on your needs. Here we will be using the TM5 – 700 models to explain the common features.-
Omron Collaborative Robots Tutorial 2 – Programming the Basic Motions
Meet the Omron Collaborative Robot Series to assist your automation needs. In this video, we would like to show you the basics of how to make the Cobot move.
Omron Collaborative Robots Tutorial 2 – Programming the Basic Motions
Meet the Omron Collaborative Robot Series to assist your automation needs. In this video, we would like to show you the basics of how to make the Cobot move.-
Omron Collaborative Robots Tutorial 3 – How to Program Using Flow Chart Software
Meet the Omron Collaborative Robot Series to assist your automation needs. In this video, you can learn how to use the software, called “TMflow,” to program the Cobots. TMflow has an intuitive user interface that allows you to easily create a program using flowcharts.
Omron Collaborative Robots Tutorial 3 – How to Program Using Flow Chart Software
Meet the Omron Collaborative Robot Series to assist your automation needs. In this video, you can learn how to use the software, called “TMflow,” to program the Cobots. TMflow has an intuitive user interface that allows you to easily create a program using flowcharts.-
Omron Collaborative Robots Tutorial 4 – How to Attach a Gripper to the Cobot
Meet the Omron Collaborative Robot Series to assist your automation needs. In this video, we will show you how to use grippers with your Cobot.
Omron Collaborative Robots Tutorial 4 – How to Attach a Gripper to the Cobot
Meet the Omron Collaborative Robot Series to assist your automation needs. In this video, we will show you how to use grippers with your Cobot.-
Omron Collaborative Robots Tutorial 5 – Vision Calibration and Vision Node
Meet the Omron Collaborative Robot Series to assist your automation needs. In this video, we will show you how to start using the built-in camera and the integrated vision system for your applications. One of the biggest advantages of this Cobot is that you can rapidly create an application in which you want the Cobot to see and recognize the object that it is working on. You do not need additional lens nor lights.
Omron Collaborative Robots Tutorial 5 – Vision Calibration and Vision Node
Meet the Omron Collaborative Robot Series to assist your automation needs. In this video, we will show you how to start using the built-in camera and the integrated vision system for your applications. One of the biggest advantages of this Cobot is that you can rapidly create an application in which you want the Cobot to see and recognize the object that it is working on. You do not need additional lens nor lights.-
Omron Collaborative Robots Tutorial 6 – Pick and Place Using Vision
Meet the Omron Collaborative Robot Series to assist your automation needs. In this video, we finished the vision calibration and explored some of the vision tasks. So now we are ready to start creating an application that utilizes the camera and the vision system. We will pick up a cylinder from this hole and place it here.
Omron Collaborative Robots Tutorial 6 – Pick and Place Using Vision
Meet the Omron Collaborative Robot Series to assist your automation needs. In this video, we finished the vision calibration and explored some of the vision tasks. So now we are ready to start creating an application that utilizes the camera and the vision system. We will pick up a cylinder from this hole and place it here.-
Omron Collaborative Robots Tutorial 7 – Updating TMFlow software
Meet the Omron Collaborative Robot Series to assist your automation needs. In this video we will show how to update the TMFlow software. We constantly have software updates, so make sure you update Collaborative Robots software so that you can utilize the newest features.
Omron Collaborative Robots Tutorial 7 – Updating TMFlow software
Meet the Omron Collaborative Robot Series to assist your automation needs. In this video we will show how to update the TMFlow software. We constantly have software updates, so make sure you update Collaborative Robots software so that you can utilize the newest features.-
Omron Collaborative Robots Tutorial 8 – Communication via ModBus
Meet the Omron Collaborative Robot Series to assist your automation needs. The Omron Collaborative Robots is capable of different types of communications. On this video we will focus on using ModBus TCP communication in TMFlow software.
Omron Collaborative Robots Tutorial 8 – Communication via ModBus
Meet the Omron Collaborative Robot Series to assist your automation needs. The Omron Collaborative Robots is capable of different types of communications. On this video we will focus on using ModBus TCP communication in TMFlow software.-
Omron Collaborative Robots Tutorial 9 – Advanced Motion Methods
Meet the Omron Collaborative Robot Series to assist your automation needs. In this video we will discuss the different types of advanced motions that Omron’s Collaborative Robots can achieve. We will focus on some of the different types of motions that our Cobots can use to fit in your applications.
Omron Collaborative Robots Tutorial 9 – Advanced Motion Methods
Meet the Omron Collaborative Robot Series to assist your automation needs. In this video we will discuss the different types of advanced motions that Omron’s Collaborative Robots can achieve. We will focus on some of the different types of motions that our Cobots can use to fit in your applications.-
Collaborative Robot Safety Tutorial - Video 1
Watch this safety video to learn about Omron's Collaborative Robot safety features. Safety Standards & Safety Functions, Emergency Stop & Protective Stop and Safety Output Functions will be discussed. Note: this video is intended to be an introductory guide, for futher important information on safety please refer to the other available safety documentation.
Collaborative Robot Safety Tutorial - Video 1
Watch this safety video to learn about Omron's Collaborative Robot safety features. Safety Standards & Safety Functions, Emergency Stop & Protective Stop and Safety Output Functions will be discussed. Note: this video is intended to be an introductory guide, for futher important information on safety please refer to the other available safety documentation.-
Collaborative Robot Safety Tutorial - Video 2
Watch this second part safety video to learn even more about Omron's Collaborative Robot safety features. Intuitive Safety Parameter Setting, Cartesian Safety Limit and Omron Risk Assessment Service will be discussed. Note: this video is intended to be an introductory guide, for futher important information on safety please refer to the other available safety documentation.
Collaborative Robot Safety Tutorial - Video 2
Watch this second part safety video to learn even more about Omron's Collaborative Robot safety features. Intuitive Safety Parameter Setting, Cartesian Safety Limit and Omron Risk Assessment Service will be discussed. Note: this video is intended to be an introductory guide, for futher important information on safety please refer to the other available safety documentation.Downloads
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