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Hochakkurate Hochgeschwindigkeitsinspektion und -messung

Die neue Smart Camera der FHV7-Serie mit Beleuchtung und Bildbearbeitungsfunktionalität für verbesserte Sichtprüfungen angekündigt. Dank der weltweit ersten mehrfarbigen Leuchte und einer exzellenten hochauflösenden 12-Megapixel-Kamera ist nur eine einzige Smart Camera der FHV7-Serie notwendig, um hochpräzise Sichtprüfungen bei einer stark gemischten Produktionslinie durchzuführen.

Industrieweit höchste Verarbeitungsleistung
IP65/67 für die anspruchsvollsten industriellen Umgebungen
Hohe Flexibilität durch modularen Aufbau 
Extrem vielseitige Software für eine Vielzahl von Anwendungen
Austauschbare Plug-and-play-Licht- und Objektivmodule (einfache Neukonfiguration/Wartung)

Besser als das menschliche Auge

Viele Kameras werden heute in fast allen Fertigungsprozessen eingesetzt, um die Qualitätsprüfung zu automatisieren und die Ausfallsicherheit wie auch die funktionale Sicherheit zu erhöhen. Dadurch müssen immer mehr Bildinformationen übertragen werden. Außerdem erfordert eine flexible Fertigung leistungsfähigere Bildverarbeitungssysteme, die die Anforderungen in der Automatisierung erfüllen.
Um diesen beiden Aspekten gerecht zu werden, hat Omron seine FH-Serie weiterentwickelt.
Wir unterstützen Sie bei der Lösung Ihrer Prüf- und Messaufgaben durch die Integration von Hochgeschwindigkeitskameras mit hoher Auflösung, die gemeinsam mit Omron Sentech Co., Ltd., und unseren einzigartigen Algorithmen entwickelt wurden.
Dieses Bildverarbeitungssystem steckt voller Technologien, die den Einsatz von Bildverarbeitung deutlich vereinfachen.
Wir bieten Produkte an, die die Automatisierung an Fertigungsstandorten ermöglichen und so zur Fertigung auf der ganzen Welt beitragen.


Ultimative Flexibilität 
für die Fertigungsumgebung der Zukunft

  • Modularer Aufbau für eine Vielzahl von Anwendungen
  • Reagiert auf wechselnde Objekte flexibel wie das menschliche Auge
  • Höhere Qualität bei gleichhoher Durchlaufzeit
  • Großes Angebot an optischen Lösungen
  • Hardware-Skalierbarkeit dank einer Software
  • Leichte Integration in Ihr System und Ihre Maschinenplattform
Zum Video
  • Meet Omron's FH-V7 Series Smart Camera

    Meet Omron's FH-V7 Series Smart Camera

    The new FHV7-series Smart Camera combined with illumination and image processing functionality for advanced vision inspections. Thanks to the world’s first multi-color light and a best-in-class 12-megapixel high-resolution camera, only a single FHV7-series Smart Camera is required for achieving the industry’s highest standards of precision in vision inspections on a high-mix production line.


Nahezu unbegrenzte Kombinationsmöglichkeiten, 
um allen Produktionsanforderungen gerecht zu werden

  • Robustes Design mit IP67-Klassifizierung
  • Behält wasserdichte IP67-Struktur auch nach Modulwechsel bei und eignet sich so für nasse Umgebungen
  • Wasserdichte Abdeckung
  • In den Modulen werden unverlierbare Schrauben verwendet. 
  • Die Schrauben fallen nicht auf Produkte.

Eine Kamera 
für die Inspektion verschiedener Produkte

  • Mehrfarbige Leuchte – für Farbänderungen
  • Objektiv mit Autofokus – für Größenänderungen
  • Die industrieweit erste 12-MP-Smart-Camera
  • Hinzufügen zusätzlicher Leuchten und Austausch von Filtern problemlos möglich
  • Problemloser Austausch von Filtern

Spezifikationen & Bestellinfo

Produkt Number of pixels Camera type Frame rate Camera with lens Focal length Focus distance Autofocus Camera family Illumination Image width Image height Pixel size Shutter type Image sensor format Image sensor type Lens mount Lens type Optics class Degree of protection (IP) Communication port(s) Communication option(s) Application Beschreibung
FH Vision Smart Camera, high performance, color type, 0.4 Mpix resolution, 6.9 µm pixel size, 1/2.9" chip size, global shutter, C-mount, 24 VDC, IP40, W10 IoT Enterprise LTSC 2019 64bit
FH Vision Smart Camera, high performance, color type, 0.4 Mpix resolution, 6.9 µm pixel size, 1/2.9" chip size, global shutter, high speed liquid lens module, focal length 6mm, white illuminator 24 VDC, IP67, pre-assembled
FH Vision Smart Camera, high performance, color type, 0.4 Mpix resolution, 6.9 µm pixel size, 1/2.9" chip size, global shutter, motorized lens module, focal length 6 mm, multi color illuminator, 24 VDC, IP67, pre-assembled
FH Vision Smart Camera, high performance, color type, 0.4 Mpix resolution, 6.9 µm pixel size, 1/2.9" chip size, global shutter, motorized lens module, focal length 6 mm, white illuminator, 24 VDC, IP67, pre-assembled
FH Vision Smart Camera, high performance, color type, 0.4 Mpix resolution, 6.9 µm pixel size, 1/2.9" chip size, global shutter, motorized lens module, focal length 9 mm, multi color illuminator, 24 VDC, IP67, pre-assembled
FH Vision Smart Camera, high performance, color type, 0.4 Mpix resolution, 6.9 µm pixel size, 1/2.9" chip size, global shutter, motorized lens module, focal length 9 mm, white illuminator, 24 VDC, IP67, pre-assembled
FH Vision Smart Camera, high performance, color type, 0.4 Mpix resolution, 6.9 µm pixel size, 1/2.9" chip size, global shutter, motorized lens module, focal length 12 mm, white illuminator, 24 VDC, IP67, pre-assembled
FH Vision Smart Camera, high performance, color type, 0.4 Mpix resolution, 6.9 µm pixel size, 1/2.9" chip size, global shutter, motorized lens module, focal length 25 mm, white illuminator, 24 VDC, IP67, pre-assembled
FH Vision Smart Camera, high performance, color type, 1.6 Mpix resolution, 3.45 µm pixel size, 1/2.9" chip size, global shutter, C-mount, 24 VDC, IP40,W10 IoT Enterprise LTSC 2019 64bit
FH Vision Smart Camera, high performance, color type, 1.6 Mpix resolution, 3.45 µm pixel size, 1/2.9" chip size, global shutter, high speed liquid lens module, focal length 6mm, multi color illuminator 24 VDC, IP67, pre-assembled
FH Vision Smart Camera, high performance, color type, 1.6 Mpix resolution, 3.45 µm pixel size, 1/2.9" chip size, global shutter, high speed liquid lens module, focal length 6mm, white illuminator 24 VDC, IP67, pre-assembled
FH Vision Smart Camera, high performance, color type, 1.6 Mpix resolution, 3.45 µm pixel size, 1/2.9" chip size, global shutter, high speed liquid lens module, focal length 19mm, white illuminator 24 VDC, IP67, pre-assembled
FH Vision Smart Camera, high performance, color type, 1.6 Mpix resolution, 3.45 µm pixel size, 1/2.9" chip size, global shutter, motorized lens module, focal length 6 mm, 24 VDC, IP40, pre-assembled
FH Vision Smart Camera, high performance, color type, 1.6 Mpix resolution, 3.45 µm pixel size, 1/2.9" chip size, global shutter, motorized lens module, focal length 6 mm, multi color illuminaor, 24 VDC, IP67, pre-assembled
FH Vision Smart Camera, high performance, color type, 1.6 Mpix resolution, 3.45 µm pixel size, 1/2.9" chip size, global shutter, motorized lens module, focal length 6 mm, white illuminaor, 24 VDC, IP67, pre-assembled
FH Vision Smart Camera, high performance, color type, 1.6 Mpix resolution, 3.45 µm pixel size, 1/2.9" chip size, global shutter, motorized lens module, focal length 9 mm, multi color illuminaor, 24 VDC, IP67, pre-assembled
FH Vision Smart Camera, high performance, color type, 1.6 Mpix resolution, 3.45 µm pixel size, 1/2.9" chip size, global shutter, motorized lens module, focal length 9 mm, white illuminaor, 24 VDC, IP67, pre-assembled
FH Vision Smart Camera, high performance, color type, 1.6 Mpix resolution, 3.45 µm pixel size, 1/2.9" chip size, global shutter, motorized lens module, focal length 12 mm, 24 VDC, IP40, pre-assembled
FH Vision Smart Camera, high performance, color type, 1.6 Mpix resolution, 3.45 µm pixel size, 1/2.9" chip size, global shutter, motorized lens module, focal length 12 mm, multi color illuminator, 24 VDC, IP67, pre-assembled, W10 IoT LTSC 2019 64bit
FH Vision Smart Camera, high performance, color type, 1.6 Mpix resolution, 3.45 µm pixel size, 1/2.9" chip size, global shutter, motorized lens module, focal length 12 mm, white illuminaor, 24 VDC, IP67, pre-assembled
FH Vision Smart Camera, high performance, color type, 1.6 Mpix resolution, 3.45 µm pixel size, 1/2.9" chip size, global shutter, motorized lens module, focal length 16 mm, 24 VDC, IP40, pre-assembled
FH Vision Smart Camera, high performance, color type, 1.6 Mpix resolution, 3.45 µm pixel size, 1/2.9" chip size, global shutter, motorized lens module, focal length 16 mm, multi color illuminaor, 24 VDC, IP67, pre-assembled
FH Vision Smart Camera, high performance, color type, 1.6 Mpix resolution, 3.45 µm pixel size, 1/2.9" chip size, global shutter, motorized lens module, focal length 16 mm, white illuminaor, 24 VDC, IP67, pre-assembled
FH Vision Smart Camera, high performance, color type, 1.6 Mpix resolution, 3.45 µm pixel size, 1/2.9" chip size, global shutter, motorized lens module, focal length 25 mm, multi color illuminaor, 24 VDC, IP67, pre-assembled
FH Vision Smart Camera, high performance, color type, 1.6 Mpix resolution, 3.45 µm pixel size, 1/2.9" chip size, global shutter, motorized lens module, focal length 25 mm, white illuminaor, 24 VDC, IP67, pre-assembled
FH Vision Smart Camera, high performance, color type, 3.2 Mpix resolution, 3.45 µm pixel size, 1/1.8" chip size, global shutter, C-mount, 24 VDC, IP40,W10 IoT Enterprise LTSC 2019 64bit
FH Vision Smart Camera, high performance, color type, 3.2 Mpix resolution, 3.45 µm pixel size, 1/1.8" chip size, global shutter, high speed liquid lens module, focal length 6mm, multi color illuminator 24 VDC, IP67, pre-assembled
FH Vision Smart Camera, high performance, color type, 3.2 Mpix resolution, 3.45 µm pixel size, 1/1.8" chip size, global shutter, high speed liquid lens module, focal length 6mm, white illuminator 24 VDC, IP67, pre-assembled
FH Vision Smart Camera, high performance, color type, 3.2 Mpix resolution, 3.45 µm pixel size, 1/1.8" chip size, global shutter, high speed liquid lens module, focal length 19mm, multi color illuminator 24 VDC, IP67, pre-assembled
FH Vision Smart Camera, high performance, color type, 3.2 Mpix resolution, 3.45 µm pixel size, 1/1.8" chip size, global shutter, motorized lens module, focal length 6 mm, multi color illuminator, 24 VDC, IP67, pre-assembled
FH Vision Smart Camera, high performance, color type, 3.2 Mpix resolution, 3.45 µm pixel size, 1/1.8" chip size, global shutter, motorized lens module, focal length 6 mm, white illuminator, 24 VDC, IP67, pre-assembled
FH Vision Smart Camera, high performance, color type, 3.2 Mpix resolution, 3.45 µm pixel size, 1/1.8" chip size, global shutter, motorized lens module, focal length 9 mm, multi color illuminator, 24 VDC, IP67, pre-assembled
FH Vision Smart Camera, high performance, color type, 3.2 Mpix resolution, 3.45 µm pixel size, 1/1.8" chip size, global shutter, motorized lens module, focal length 9 mm, white illuminator, 24 VDC, IP67, pre-assembled
FH Vision Smart Camera, high performance, color type, 3.2 Mpix resolution, 3.45 µm pixel size, 1/1.8" chip size, global shutter, motorized lens module, focal length 12 mm, 24 VDC, IP40, pre-assembled
FH Vision Smart Camera, high performance, color type, 3.2 Mpix resolution, 3.45 µm pixel size, 1/1.8" chip size, global shutter, motorized lens module, focal length 12 mm, multi color illuminator, 24 VDC, IP67, pre-assembled, W10 IoT LTSC 2019 64bit
FH Vision Smart Camera, high performance, color type, 3.2 Mpix resolution, 3.45 µm pixel size, 1/1.8" chip size, global shutter, motorized lens module, focal length 12 mm, white illuminator, 24 VDC, IP67, pre-assembled
FH Vision Smart Camera, high performance, color type, 3.2 Mpix resolution, 3.45 µm pixel size, 1/1.8" chip size, global shutter, motorized lens module, focal length 16 mm, 24 VDC, IP40, pre-assembled
FH Vision Smart Camera, high performance, color type, 3.2 Mpix resolution, 3.45 µm pixel size, 1/1.8" chip size, global shutter, motorized lens module, focal length 16 mm, multi color illuminator, 24 VDC, IP67, pre-assembled
FH Vision Smart Camera, high performance, color type, 3.2 Mpix resolution, 3.45 µm pixel size, 1/1.8" chip size, global shutter, motorized lens module, focal length 25 mm, multi color illuminator, 24 VDC, IP67, pre-assembled
FH Vision Smart Camera, high performance, color type, 3.2 Mpix resolution, 3.45 µm pixel size, 1/1.8" chip size, global shutter, motorized lens module, focal length 25 mm, white illuminator, 24 VDC, IP67, pre-assembled
FH Vision Smart Camera, high performance, color type, 5.0 Mpix resolution, 3.45 µm pixel size, 2/3" chip size, global shutter, C-mount, 24 VDC, IP40,W10 IoT Enterprise LTSC 2019 64bit
FH Vision Smart Camera, high performance, color type, 6.3 Mpix resolution, 2.4 µm pixel size, 1/1.8" chip size, rolling shutter, C-mount, 24 VDC, IP40, W10 IoT Enterprise LTSC 2019 64bit
FH Vision Smart Camera, high performance, color type, 6.3 Mpix resolution, 2.4 µm pixel size, 1/1.8" chip size, rolling shutter, high speed liquid lens module, focal length 6mm, white illuminator 24 VDC, IP67, pre-assembled
FH Vision Smart Camera, high performance, color type, 6.3 Mpix resolution, 2.4 µm pixel size, 1/1.8" chip size, rolling shutter, motorized lens module, focal length 6 mm, 24 VDC, IP40, pre-assembled, W10 IoT Enterprise LTSC 2019 64bit
FH Vision Smart Camera, high performance, color type, 6.3 Mpix resolution, 2.4 µm pixel size, 1/1.8" chip size, rolling shutter, motorized lens module, focal length 6 mm, multi color illuminator, 24 VDC, IP40, pre-assembled
FH Vision Smart Camera, high performance, color type, 6.3 Mpix resolution, 2.4 µm pixel size, 1/1.8" chip size, rolling shutter, motorized lens module, focal length 6 mm, white illuminator, 24 VDC, IP40, pre-assembled,W10 IoT Enterprise LTSC 2019 64bit
FH Vision Smart Camera, high performance, color type, 6.3 Mpix resolution, 2.4 µm pixel size, 1/1.8" chip size, rolling shutter, motorized lens module, focal length 9 mm, multi color illuminator, 24 VDC, IP40, pre-assembled
FH Vision Smart Camera, high performance, color type, 6.3 Mpix resolution, 2.4 µm pixel size, 1/1.8" chip size, rolling shutter, motorized lens module, focal length 9 mm, white illuminator, 24 VDC, IP40, pre-assembled
FH Vision Smart Camera, high performance, color type, 6.3 Mpix resolution, 2.4 µm pixel size, 1/1.8" chip size, rolling shutter, motorized lens module, focal length 12 mm, multi color illuminator, 24 VDC, IP40, pre-assembled, W10 IoT 64bit
FH Vision Smart Camera, high performance, color type, 6.3 Mpix resolution, 2.4 µm pixel size, 1/1.8" chip size, rolling shutter, motorized lens module, focal length 12 mm, white illuminator, 24 VDC, IP40, pre-assembled
FH Vision Smart Camera, high performance, color type, 6.3 Mpix resolution, 2.4 µm pixel size, 1/1.8" chip size, rolling shutter, motorized lens module, focal length 16 mm, 24 VDC, IP40, pre-assembled
FH Vision Smart Camera, high performance, color type, 6.3 Mpix resolution, 2.4 µm pixel size, 1/1.8" chip size, rolling shutter, motorized lens module, focal length 16 mm, multi color illuminator, 24 VDC, IP40, pre-assembled
FH Vision Smart Camera, high performance, color type, 6.3 Mpix resolution, 2.4 µm pixel size, 1/1.8" chip size, rolling shutter, motorized lens module, focal length 16 mm, white illuminator, 24 VDC, IP40, pre-assembled
FH Vision Smart Camera, high performance, color type, 6.3 Mpix resolution, 2.4 µm pixel size, 1/1.8" chip size, rolling shutter, motorized lens module, focal length 25 mm, multi color illuminator, 24 VDC, IP40, pre-assembled
FH Vision Smart Camera, high performance, color type, 12.0 Mpix resolution, 1.85 µm pixel size, 1/1.7" chip size, rolling shutter, C-mount, 24 VDC, IP40,W10 IoT Enterprise LTSC 2019 64bit
FH Vision Smart Camera, high performance, monochrome type, 0.4 Mpix resolution, 6.9 µm pixel size, 1/2.9" chip size, global shutter, C-mount, 24 VDC, IP40, W10 IoT Enterprise LTSC 2019 64bit
FH Vision Smart Camera, high performance, monochrome type, 0.4 Mpix resolution, 6.9 µm pixel size, 1/2.9" chip size, global shutter, high speed liquid lens module, focal length 19 mm, red illuminator 24 VDC, IP67, pre-assembled
FH Vision Smart Camera, high performance, monochrome type, 0.4 Mpix resolution, 6.9 µm pixel size, 1/2.9" chip size, global shutter, motorized lens module, focal length 6 mm, multi color illuminator, 24 VDC, IP67, pre-assembled
FH Vision Smart Camera, high performance, monochrome type, 0.4 Mpix resolution, 6.9 µm pixel size, 1/2.9" chip size, global shutter, motorized lens module, focal length 6 mm, red illuminator, 24 VDC, IP67, pre-assembled
FH Vision Smart Camera, high performance, monochrome type, 0.4 Mpix resolution, 6.9 µm pixel size, 1/2.9" chip size, global shutter, motorized lens module, focal length 6 mm, white illuminator, 24 VDC, IP67, pre-assembled
FH Vision Smart Camera, high performance, monochrome type, 0.4 Mpix resolution, 6.9 µm pixel size, 1/2.9" chip size, global shutter, motorized lens module, focal length 9 mm, white illuminator, 24 VDC, IP67, pre-assembled
FH Vision Smart Camera, high performance, monochrome type, 0.4 Mpix resolution, 6.9 µm pixel size, 1/2.9" chip size, global shutter, motorized lens module, focal length 12 mm, IR illuminator, 24 VDC, IP67, pre-assembled
FH Vision Smart Camera, high performance, monochrome type, 0.4 Mpix resolution, 6.9 µm pixel size, 1/2.9" chip size, global shutter, motorized lens module, focal length 12 mm, multi colour illuminator, 24 VDC, IP67, pre-assembled
FH Vision Smart Camera, high performance, monochrome type, 0.4 Mpix resolution, 6.9 µm pixel size, 1/2.9" chip size, global shutter, motorized lens module, focal length 12 mm, white illuminator, 24 VDC, IP67, pre-assembled
FH Vision Smart Camera, high performance, monochrome type, 0.4 Mpix resolution, 6.9 µm pixel size, 1/2.9" chip size, global shutter, motorized lens module, focal length 16 mm, multi color illuminator, 24 VDC, IP67, pre-assembled
FH Vision Smart Camera, high performance, monochrome type, 0.4 Mpix resolution, 6.9 µm pixel size, 1/2.9" chip size, global shutter, motorized lens module, focal length 25 mm, multi color illuminator, 24 VDC, IP67, pre-assembled
FH Vision Smart Camera, high performance, monochrome type, 0.4 Mpix resolution, 6.9 µm pixel size, 1/2.9" chip size, global shutter, motorized lens module, focal length 25 mm, white illuminator, 24 VDC, IP67, pre-assembled
FH Vision Smart Camera, high performance, monochrome type, 1.6 Mpix resolution, 3.45 µm pixel size, 1/2.9" chip size, global shutter, C-mount, 24 VDC, IP40, W10 IoT Enterprise LTSC 2019 64bit
FH Vision Smart Camera, high performance, monochrome type, 1.6 Mpix resolution, 3.45 µm pixel size, 1/2.9" chip size, global shutter, motorized lens module, focal length 6 mm, multi color illuminaor, 24 VDC, IP67, pre-assembled
FH Vision Smart Camera, high performance, monochrome type, 1.6 Mpix resolution, 3.45 µm pixel size, 1/2.9" chip size, global shutter, motorized lens module, focal length 6 mm, white illuminaor, 24 VDC, IP67, pre-assembled
FH Vision Smart Camera, high performance, monochrome type, 1.6 Mpix resolution, 3.45 µm pixel size, 1/2.9" chip size, global shutter, motorized lens module, focal length 9 mm, multi color illuminaor, 24 VDC, IP67, pre-assembled
FH Vision Smart Camera, high performance, monochrome type, 1.6 Mpix resolution, 3.45 µm pixel size, 1/2.9" chip size, global shutter, motorized lens module, focal length 9 mm, white illuminaor, 24 VDC, IP67, pre-assembled
FH Vision Smart Camera, high performance, monochrome type, 1.6 Mpix resolution, 3.45 µm pixel size, 1/2.9" chip size, global shutter, motorized lens module, focal length 12 mm, 24 VDC, IP40, pre-assembled
FH Vision Smart Camera, high performance, monochrome type, 1.6 Mpix resolution, 3.45 µm pixel size, 1/2.9" chip size, global shutter, motorized lens module, focal length 12 mm, IR illuminator, 24 VDC, IP67, pre-assembled
FH Vision Smart Camera, high performance, monochrome type, 1.6 Mpix resolution, 3.45 µm pixel size, 1/2.9" chip size, global shutter, motorized lens module, focal length 12 mm, white illuminaor, 24 VDC, IP67, pre-assembled
FH Vision Smart Camera, high performance, monochrome type, 1.6 Mpix resolution, 3.45 µm pixel size, 1/2.9" chip size, global shutter, motorized lens module, focal length 16 mm, 24 VDC, IP40, pre-assembled
FH Vision Smart Camera, high performance, monochrome type, 1.6 Mpix resolution, 3.45 µm pixel size, 1/2.9" chip size, global shutter, motorized lens module, focal length 16 mm, IR illuminator, 24 VDC, IP67, pre-assembled
FH Vision Smart Camera, high performance, monochrome type, 1.6 Mpix resolution, 3.45 µm pixel size, 1/2.9" chip size, global shutter, motorized lens module, focal length 16 mm, multi color illuminaor, 24 VDC, IP67, pre-assembled
FH Vision Smart Camera, high performance, monochrome type, 1.6 Mpix resolution, 3.45 µm pixel size, 1/2.9" chip size, global shutter, motorized lens module, focal length 16 mm, white illuminaor, 24 VDC, IP67, pre-assembled
FH Vision Smart Camera, high performance, monochrome type, 1.6 Mpix resolution, 3.45 µm pixel size, 1/2.9" chip size, global shutter, motorized lens module, focal length 25 mm, white illuminaor, 24 VDC, IP67, pre-assembled
FH Vision Smart Camera, high performance, monochrome type, 3.2 Mpix resolution, 3.45 µm pixel size, 1/1.8" chip size, global shutter, C-mount, 24 VDC, IP40, W10 IoT Enterprise LTSC 2019 64bit
FH Vision Smart Camera, high performance, monochrome type, 3.2 Mpix resolution, 3.45 µm pixel size, 1/1.8" chip size, global shutter, motorized lens module, focal length 6 mm, 24 VDC, IP40, pre-assembled
FH Vision Smart Camera, high performance, monochrome type, 3.2 Mpix resolution, 3.45 µm pixel size, 1/1.8" chip size, global shutter, motorized lens module, focal length 6 mm, IR illuminator, 24 VDC, IP67, pre-assembled
FH Vision Smart Camera, high performance, monochrome type, 3.2 Mpix resolution, 3.45 µm pixel size, 1/1.8" chip size, global shutter, motorized lens module, focal length 6 mm, multi color illuminator, 24 VDC, IP67, pre-assembled
FH Vision Smart Camera, high performance, monochrome type, 3.2 Mpix resolution, 3.45 µm pixel size, 1/1.8" chip size, global shutter, motorized lens module, focal length 6 mm, white illuminator, 24 VDC, IP67, pre-assembled
FH Vision Smart Camera, high performance, monochrome type, 3.2 Mpix resolution, 3.45 µm pixel size, 1/1.8" chip size, global shutter, motorized lens module, focal length 9 mm, 24 VDC, IP40, pre-assembled
FH Vision Smart Camera, high performance, monochrome type, 3.2 Mpix resolution, 3.45 µm pixel size, 1/1.8" chip size, global shutter, motorized lens module, focal length 9 mm, multi color illuminator, 24 VDC, IP67, pre-assembled
FH Vision Smart Camera, high performance, monochrome type, 3.2 Mpix resolution, 3.45 µm pixel size, 1/1.8" chip size, global shutter, motorized lens module, focal length 9 mm, white illuminator, 24 VDC, IP67, pre-assembled
FH Vision Smart Camera, high performance, monochrome type, 3.2 Mpix resolution, 3.45 µm pixel size, 1/1.8" chip size, global shutter, motorized lens module, focal length 12 mm, 24 VDC, IP40, pre-assembled
FH Vision Smart Camera, high performance, monochrome type, 3.2 Mpix resolution, 3.45 µm pixel size, 1/1.8" chip size, global shutter, motorized lens module, focal length 12 mm, multi color illuminator, 24 VDC, IP67, pre-assembled
FH Vision Smart Camera, high performance, monochrome type, 3.2 Mpix resolution, 3.45 µm pixel size, 1/1.8" chip size, global shutter, motorized lens module, focal length 12 mm, white illuminator, 24 VDC, IP67, pre-assembled
FH Vision Smart Camera, high performance, monochrome type, 3.2 Mpix resolution, 3.45 µm pixel size, 1/1.8" chip size, global shutter, motorized lens module, focal length 16 mm, 24 VDC, IP40, pre-assembled
FH Vision Smart Camera, high performance, monochrome type, 3.2 Mpix resolution, 3.45 µm pixel size, 1/1.8" chip size, global shutter, motorized lens module, focal length 16 mm, white illuminator, 24 VDC, IP67, pre-assembled
FH Vision Smart Camera, high performance, monochrome type, 3.2 Mpix resolution, 3.45 µm pixel size, 1/1.8" chip size, global shutter, motorized lens module, focal length 25 mm, white illuminator, 24 VDC, IP67, pre-assembled
FH Vision Smart Camera, high performance, monochrome type, 5.0 Mpix resolution, 3.45 µm pixel size, 2/3" chip size, global shutter, C-mount, 24 VDC, IP40, W10 IoT Enterprise LTSC 2019 64bit
FH Vision Smart Camera, high performance, monochrome type, 6.3 Mpix resolution, 2.4 µm pixel size, 1/1.8" chip size, rolling shutter, C-mount, 24 VDC, IP40, W10 IoT Enterprise LTSC 2019 64bit
FH Vision Smart Camera, high performance, monochrome type, 6.3 Mpix resolution, 2.4 µm pixel size, 1/1.8" chip size, rolling shutter, motorized lens module, focal length 6 mm, 24 VDC, IP40, pre-assembled
FH Vision Smart Camera, high performance, monochrome type, 6.3 Mpix resolution, 2.4 µm pixel size, 1/1.8" chip size, rolling shutter, motorized lens module, focal length 6 mm, IR illuminator, 24 VDC, IP40, pre-assembled
FH Vision Smart Camera, high performance, monochrome type, 6.3 Mpix resolution, 2.4 µm pixel size, 1/1.8" chip size, rolling shutter, motorized lens module, focal length 9 mm, 24 VDC, IP40, pre-assembled
FH Vision Smart Camera, high performance, monochrome type, 6.3 Mpix resolution, 2.4 µm pixel size, 1/1.8" chip size, rolling shutter, motorized lens module, focal length 9 mm, multi color illuminator, 24 VDC, IP40, pre-assembled
FH Vision Smart Camera, high performance, monochrome type, 6.3 Mpix resolution, 2.4 µm pixel size, 1/1.8" chip size, rolling shutter, motorized lens module, focal length 12 mm, multi color illuminator, 24 VDC, IP40, pre-assembled
FH Vision Smart Camera, high performance, monochrome type, 6.3 Mpix resolution, 2.4 µm pixel size, 1/1.8" chip size, rolling shutter, motorized lens module, focal length 12 mm, white illuminator, 24 VDC, IP40, pre-assembled
FH Vision Smart Camera, high performance, monochrome type, 6.3 Mpix resolution, 2.4 µm pixel size, 1/1.8" chip size, rolling shutter, motorized lens module, focal length 25 mm, red illuminator, 24 VDC, IP40, pre-assembled
FH Vision Smart Camera, high performance, monochrome type, 12.0 Mpix resolution, 1.85 µm pixel size, 1/1.7" chip size, rolling shutter, C-mount, 24 VDC, IP40, W10 IoT Enterprise LTSC 2019 64bit
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Lesen von Codes mit Digimarc-Wasserzeichen

Die strategische Zusammenarbeit zwischen OMRON und Digimarc ermöglicht eine unübertroffene Qualitätssicherung für die Erkennung digitaler Wasserzeichen bei FH- und FHV7-kompatiblen Geräten. Resultat dieser Kooperation ist eine vielseitige Lösung, mit der gewährleistet werden kann, dass die korrekte Verpackung genutzt wird. Es werden Produktionsgeschwindigkeiten von über 2.000 Teilen pro Minute erreicht, was auch den höchsten Ansprüchen an Produktionseffizienz gerecht wird.

Unübertroffenes Lesen von Codes auf zylinderförmigen und flexiblen Verpackungen

Digitale Wasserzeichen sorgen für unübertroffene Effizienz beim Lesen von Codes auf zylinderförmigen oder ungleichmäßigen Produkten, bei denen an der Fertigungslinie zufällige Drehungen erfolgen. Dank des digitalen Wasserzeichens auf der Oberfläche des Mediums können auf allen Verpackungsarten Leseraten von 99,9 % erreicht werden.


  • Lebensmittelsicherheit
  • Reduzierung von Handarbeit
  • Bessere Implementierung von Automatisierungssystemen wie Robotern
  • Höhere Anforderungen bei Design und Qualitätsstandards
  • Rückverfolgbarkeit von Pharmaprodukten
  • Gefahr von gefälschten Produkten
  • Mehr Flexibilität in der Produktion – bei gleichzeitig steigender Geschwindigkeit und Qualität


  • Mehr Automatisierung macht genauere Überwachung notwendig
  • Robotikanwendungen
  • Risiken in Verbindung mit Rückrufaktionen werden immer ernster (Ruf + Kosten)
  • Lebenszyklus von Produkten wird kürzer
  • „Same Parts“ werden oft weltweit verwendet
  • Die Rückverfolgbarkeit von Produkten wird immer wichtiger

Zielanwendungen in der Automobilbranche

  • Rückverfolgbarkeit/Codelesen/Identifizierung
  • Hochpräzise Messung
  • Qualitätskontrolle (Fertigungslinie/robotergesteuert)

Lebensmittel & Konsumgüter + Pharma

  • Inspektion von Etiketten/Aufdrucken
  • Verpackung
  • Qualitätskontrolle
  • Serialisierung

Speichern und Komprimieren von Bildern in Hochgeschwindigkeit

Bilddaten sind so groß, dass herkömmliche Controller wegen begrenzter Speicherzeiten und Speicherkapazitäten nicht alle Bilder speichern können. Mit der Smart-Kamera FHV7 werden dank moderner Algorithmen und Hardware alle Bilder in Omron-Format gespeichert und in Hochgeschwindigkeit komprimiert. So werden alle Bilddaten gespeichert, um auch höchsten Ansprüchen bei der Qualitätskontrolle zu genügen.


EAC Mark removal Abkündigung
enPDF 200 KB
FH/FHV Series Communications Settings Kommunikations Manual
enPDF 10 MB
FH/FHV Series Vision System Bediener-Handbuch
enPDF 30 MB
FH/FHV Vision Application Guide for ABB robots Praxisleitfaden
en PDF 3 MB

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FH/FHV Vision Application Guide for Denso robots Praxisleitfaden
en PDF 3 MB

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NJ/CJ-series / Siemens S7-1500 -[PROFINET]- FH-series+FHV7-series Verbindungsanleitung
en PDF 2 MB

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FH/FHV Series Communications Settings Kommunikations Manual
enPDF 10 MB
FH/FHV Series Vision System Bediener-Handbuch
enPDF 30 MB
FH/FHV Vision Application Guide for ABB robots Praxisleitfaden
en PDF 3 MB

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FH/FHV Vision Application Guide for Denso robots Praxisleitfaden
en PDF 3 MB

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FH/FHV Vision Application Guide for Epson robots Praxisleitfaden
en PDF 3 MB

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+49 (0)21 73 - 68 00 0
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