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Flexible Manufacturing
Omron TM Human-collaboration bboard sol

Mobile und kollaborative Robotik als Team Mehr Flexibilität in der Produktionslinie

19. September 2019 Verbrauchertrends ändern sich, Produktlebenszyklen werden immer kürzer und die Fertigung muss zunehmend individuelle Wünsche berücksichtigen. Hersteller brauchen deshalb flexible Fertigungslinien, die mit den raschen Produktwechseln, Individualisierungen und kleinen Losgrößen zurechtkommen, denn nur dann lässt sich Gewinn erwirtschaften. Einen wichtigen Beitrag dazu können kollaborative Roboter leisten, vor allem dann, wenn sie sich mobil einsetzen lassen, also mit Mobilrobotik kombiniert werden.
Industry 4.0
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Industry 4.0 - hot topic or hot air?

19. September 2019 Industry 4.0 is defined by Wikipedia as “the current trend of automation and data exchange in manufacturing technologies”. But what does that mean for you and your customers? And it isn’t really a new topic. At Omron, we’ve been working on manufacturing automation and data exchange for years.
Industry 4.0
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How smart is your packaging line?

17. September 2019 Industry 4.0 is changing the way in which manufactured goods are produced, through the use of automation and data exchange. By incorporating it into your packaging line, you can start to enjoy a range of benefits, from better data management to improved efficiency. Moving to a modern, flexible and smart line will bring the most benefits, but replacing a complete production line might not be a viable option if you’re operating with tight margins. However, even small changes to your existing facilities can significantly boost your efficiency.
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Edge, Fog and Cloud clarified

16. September 2019 What do the terms Edge, Fog and Cloud mean in relation to artificial intelligence in industrial manufacturing? They are actually different layers of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). Here is a quick overview on how we at Omron describe these terms in relation to AI, using an analogy with a nervous system.
Flexible Manufacturing
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Collaborative robots: forging a new future

16. September 2019 In today’s ever-changing world, manufacturers are facing increasingly heavy demands. Factories worldwide are having to produce a high mix, low volume of products to meet customer needs, whilst also dealing with shorter product life cycles and shortages of labour. To remain competitive, manufacturers must be sufficiently agile to cope with rapid changes in lines and layouts.
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Artificial Intelligence and the future of manufacturing

16. September 2019 The discussion about ‘Artificial Intelligence’ (AI) in manufacturing is now gaining momentum. This is mainly due to the availability of greater processing power and increasing volumes of data (the ‘sensorisation’ of the industry). A key factor that will help manufacturers to gain the maximum benefit from these recent advances is the use of adaptive algorithms. This in turn is a major stepping stone towards the development of ‘the factory of the future’.
Brand Protection
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Is your production line ready for inspection?

12. September 2019 Quality inspections are a critical requirement for all manufacturing and packaging lines. Being able to identify defective products before they are shipped to customers can bring significant savings in both time and money. It prevents costly product recalls, wasted production and potentially expensive legal costs.For perishable products – from food to pharmaceuticals – quality inspection of the packaging is also vital. An unreadable barcode or a wrong expiry date could lead to perfectly good products being discarded. And increasingly strict legislation is making clear marking a top priority for all types of products.
Operational Excellence
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Minimum complexity, Maximum yield

8. Juli 2019 Omron's leading position in packaging automation in the Food & Beverage industry is based on smart and simple solutions that result in solid success. A concept that we dubbed Perfect Packaging. Omron's Perfect Packaging approach structurally eliminates risks and boosts production even in tough situations when high throughput is required. But also optimises your filling. Minimising under- or overfill.
Operational Excellence
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At Omron we serve to protect Package Integrity!

8. Juli 2019 Protecting a product is the main purpose of any package. Food packaging that is not closed completely airtight can cause a whole range of problems resulting in huge expenses and problematic long-term consequences for manufacturers. Loss of nutrients and aroma to premature spoilage are the least problematic relative to the costly aftermath that easily comes around the corner when consumer health is at stake and recalls enter the media.
Operational Excellence
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Perfect Packaging, ordinary packaging executed extraordinary well

8. Juli 2019 Packaging processes rarely harbour extremely surprising variables. From manufacturers to system integrators, machine builders and industrial automation providers, we all know the essentials that make packaging production a definite success. However, the everyday reality on the factory floor is that small imperfections in the process result in major output disturbances. That is why Omron introduces its Perfect Packaging concept featuring smart innovations that ensure that ordinary F&B-packaging is executed extraordinary well. We help make your bottom-line top!