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Operational Excellence
autonomous production flow bboard back

Go with the Adaptive and Dynamic production flow!

6. Mai 2019 Flexible and fast responses to changes in market dynamics improve performance. Made-for-me production flows are the future of manufacturing coherent with Industry 4.0. A reality that Omron already provides today through its cutting edge innovative-Automation approach. Turning factory floor data into highly valuable information, we realize intelligent automation solutions for manufacturers around the globe.
Operational Excellence
handling multiple materials bboard back

Smart sensing for multiple materials!

6. Mai 2019 You know the routine. Switching from one product to another on your production line means a costly full stop, making all kinds of changes, starting up again, discarding the materials and packaging already fed into the line together with start-up rejects, and only then can production resume. Well, have we got good news for you: smart sensing for multiple materials!
Operational Excellence
flex production robots bboard back

Rock solid results with flexible production & robotics!

6. Mai 2019 Today's market requires an increasingly agile production environment. Traditional industrial automation and robots are often too inflexible to successfully accomplish mass customization. Omron is enabling smart Industry 4.0 scenarios with a rare combination of intelligent automation solutions and robotics. Perfecting seamless human-robot collaboration and making more and more use of AI-driven possibilities, we assist manufacturers in realizing rock solid results with flexible production and robotics.
Operational Excellence
service level satisfaction bboard back

Direct link IT & OT puts factories on cloud nine

25. Februar 2019 Just imagine getting rid of cumbersome middleware or PC data concentrators at your production locations and being able to enjoy the benefits of direct database connectivity. Where Information Technology (IT) & Operational Technology (OT) come together something beautiful happens. We have created a production environment in which databases and machine controllers are best friends and keep in touch continuously.
Operational Excellence
quality level bboard back

Don't let vibrations catch you off balance!

25. Februar 2019 Machine operators are aware that sudden increases in vibrations or noise variations can herald a serious shake-up on their production lines. Unfortunately, it is hard for humans to quickly notice the indicators of, for instance, out-of-balance mechanics. The human touch is no match for dedicated sensors combined with high-speed Analogue Input Units that can reliably, precisely, and easily acquire synchronized data.
Operational Excellence
flexibility efficiency quality turning knob bboard back

Expect the unexpected: Prepare, Prevent & Predict

25. Februar 2019 Sudden stops on a production line can cost a fortune. Avoiding unexpected stops and reducing scheduled downtime are key components to boost OEE. It sounds simple, but requires interpretation of the right, often complex, data. Artificial intelligence can optionally be deployed to interpret the collected relevant device and machine data real-time. Our solutions assist you to actively steer your operations to optimize the schedule for maintenance activities, and minimize maintenance and support costs.
Operational Excellence
oee me bboard back

Transforming the manufacturing industry beyond OEE

11. Februar 2019 Omron's series of 'OEE & me'-publications offers manufacturers, machine builders, and system integrators a convenient, complete and up-to-date guide to state-of-the-art OEE solutions. Practical insights that clearly explain what these new industrial automation solutions can do for your business. We will focus on topics like Staying Competitive (machine condition monitoring, autonomous production flows, and machine stops), Quality Control & Regulations (perfect packaging, managing waste, and avoiding contamination), and Mass Customization (avoiding idle time and production disruptions).